Welcome to Virtual Memorial Website
Welcome to your Virtual Memorial Site. Here you can create a memorial site for your loved ones who are no longer with you. This is a restricted site which you control and share.
When you create your site, you enter information as you know it. It is shared with your family members for collaboration to build a lasting Virtual Memorial Site. When completed, you can share the link and approve who can be part of the site. Only one Virtual Memorial Site is allowed per deceased individual.
If you are a normal user of this web site and don't know what this page is about, this probably means that the site is currently unavailable due to maintenance. If the problem persists, please contact the site's administrator.
Your family consists of your parents, grandparents, brothers, and sisters. The next generation includes your children, creating a similar structure to link the past to the present.
Your Family Structure is as follows:
/father --------------------------------------------------/mother | /mother -------------------------------------------- | /father |-- father'sfather -------------------------------------- |-- mother'sfather |-- father'smother ----------------------------------------|-- mother'smother |-- father'sbrothers --------------------------------------|-- mother'sbrothers |-- father'ssisters ---------------------------------------|-- mother'ssisters |--- father's/mother's sons |--- father's/mother's daughters
- father's Memorial includes your father's side of the family, including uncles and aunts.
- mother's Memorial includes your mother's side of the family, including aunts and uncles.
- siblings are your brothers and sisters.
To Create, modify or Access a Virtual Memorial, click Create A Virtual Memory.
To opt out of this service, click here.
Your extended families are your cousins from both your father's and mother's sides. They will create a similar structure and link to each other, connecting future generations to your grandparents.